The Best Lone Worker Monitoring In USA

The Best Lone Worker Monitoring In USA



In the modern business world, remote working and flexi-time schedules are becoming more and more popular, with employees working from home at times that are convenient to them. However, with this freedom comes the risk of isolation, especially when employees are left unsupervised and away from colleagues in their offices all day. This makes them vulnerable to attack by lone workers who intend to steal cash or equipment or kidnap them for ransom or sexual assault purposes. Lone Worker Monitoring In USA


Lone Worker Monitoring In USA: Protecting Your Business and Employees


What is lone worker monitoring?


The lonesome worker (LW) is a member of staff who, from afar, completes a task without close or immediate supervision from other employees. This type of staff may be vulnerable to risk because there is no-one to help them.


A Lone Worker is an individual who is alone at any time as part of his or her occupation. However, at what point is an individual considered to be working alone? And how much time should be spent in solitude at work in order to classify him as a lone worker?


Best Lone Worker Monitoring In USA
Worker Monitoring




In most circumstances, Lone Workers will only be left on their own for a short period of time. One common example is that of a fireman, when moving away from the team and nobody can see or hear them until they come back and join the team again.

At the same time, there are some guard positions that necessitate remote regions being checked for about the whole day, or for 2-3 days straight.


How does the solution work?


You might experience or feel the need to protect yourself if you fear that your life or personal safety is in jeopardy.

When the ‘Red Alert’ function is selected on the device, the user has access to a 24/7 service that is ready to raise an alarm, which can also be activated automatically where the ‘incapacitation’ function has been set.

The Solo Protect devices are enabled with cellular technology in order to raise the alarm on behalf of the user.

With the Solo Protect device, you will be able to reach either the Solo Protect Monitoring Center or a trusted Alarm Contact if you are in danger.


Why do you need it?


Lone worker monitoring is a safety measure that businesses can take to protect their employees who work alone. It involves using technology to track the employee’s whereabouts and ensure they are safe. This is especially important in high-risk industries such as construction or security.

 A 2017 survey from Wakefield Research found that 56% of workers who work alone sometimes feel unsafe. It’s important for employees to be able to have peace of mind about their safety when they are working alone. A study by Liberty Mutual Insurance revealed that one in five Americans surveyed said they did not know how to protect themselves against workplace violence.

Save lives, from the workplace to anyplace.


The National Safety Council is America’s foremost nonprofit advocate for safety, fighting the leading causes of injury and death.

 We live in a world of endless connectivity, but for many people, it comes at a cost—the threat of cybercrime and hacking. Cybersecurity experts estimate that there are over one million new viruses created every day. With so much chaos, you have to have a plan to protect your business from hackers when you’re on-the-go.


Key factors to consider before buying a solution


When looking for a lone worker monitoring solution for your business, there are several key factors to consider. First, you need to decide what type of system you need. There are two main types of systems: active and passive. Active systems require the employee to check in at regular intervals, while passive systems use GPS tracking to monitor the employee’s location.


Monitor employees working alone and respond to emergencies


Using Geo Pro’s mobile and web applications, you can view employees’ status and location on a web map. In the event of an incident, alerts are sent immediately to those you have designated.

Our expert alert monitoring partner, GEOS, will keep an eye on things around the clock, so that you don’t have to. You can also use GeoPro to monitor employee check-ins and safety alerts.


Safeguard lone workers


Around the corner or around the world, Geo Pro-compatible lone worker devices safeguard employees working at even the most remote or isolated job sites.

Using the Geo Pro lone worker safety app on a smartphone or a satellite-enabled device, employees working alone can check in to let employers know they are safe or use the SOS button to trigger an emergency alert if their health or safety is threatened.


1,000+ brands trust us for their own solutions

In the United States, an estimated 70% of workers are employed by small businesses with fewer than 10 employees. That means that there are a lot of businesses out there who can benefit from a lone worker monitoring solution.


Do employees trust it?


It can be difficult to build trust with employees when it comes to monitoring their activities, but it is important to do so in order to protect your business. Here are a few ways to build trust with employees when it comes to lone worker monitoring -Don’t use any spying technology without letting the employee know beforehand.


-Only monitor work-related activity if possible; try not to monitor other areas of the person’s life.

-Get consent from the employee before starting any type of surveillance program on them.

-Make sure that you’re transparent about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it by providing the employee with written or verbal notice of your company’s policies around lone worker monitoring before getting started.


How does it work?


A lone worker monitoring system is a safety measure put in place to protect employees who work by themselves. The system uses GPS tracking to monitor the employee’s location and can send out an alert if the employee is in an unsafe situation or has not checked in at the expected time. This type of system can be used in a variety of industries, such as construction, security, and healthcare.


 The system will typically send out an alert to other employees if a lone worker is no longer where they are supposed to be. The lone worker may not be able to call for help, so it’s critical that everyone on your team knows how to respond if there is an emergency. Contact your local authorities immediately to report any crime or suspected danger and ask them how you should proceed from there.


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