Can You Move Spectrum WiFi To Another Home In USA

In USA, Move Spectrum WiFi To Another Home



 Let me just say this: Your modem may not be universally applicable as you think.

  Let’s suppose someone is moving. They have packed all their belongings and moved them to the new place.

  They realize that they need internet access in their new house.

  They remembered to bring their modem from the previous location. It should be easy since they have already established an internet service. They just need to plug their internet cable into the modem, and they are good to go.

  But not so quickly.


   It is possible for your internet modem to be moved between houses, but there are no guarantees. 

   Your modem should be compatible with your new internet service provider (ISP). You must also have an active internet connection at your new location. 

   A router is also important. A router is also necessary. 

   You may have to buy a new modem for the new place if you aren’t careful. 


  I moved recently, so I was able use my modem in my new place. This post will share the lessons I learned during this process.

  I hope my experience will help you avoid any surprises when moving your modem.



  Moving my modem into a new home



  Before I share what I learned about moving the modem, I want to give you some background information about me.

  Let’s get started.





  Let me start by saying that my move was not major. My new apartment was approximately 5 miles away from my old one.

  This was convenient as I could still use my old ISP at my new residence. It was easy because I knew my provider (Xfinity) well. I was also able use the same kind of internet connection to my new location (cable internet).

  My internet service was still available at my apartment, so I could not transfer it to my new place. To speed up the process of moving, I temporarily rented an modem/router combination device from my Internet Service Provider.

  One thing that worked for me was the fact that I had the router and modem that I used in my old apartment. I had planned to take it with me so that I could use the same equipment for my internet setup.


  We now come to the big question: Could I take my modem and use it in my new house?



  My experience


  I made the decision to move my modem into my new home.  I removed my modem from the wall and carefully packed my router and modem together. After  they were moved to my new home, I was ready to switch from the router  and modem combination device I was renting to the ones I owned.

  I compared my modem with the router combination device that I have. The router and rented modem are on the left, while the modem that I own is on my right .  After placing them side-by, I was able to see how simple it would be for me to switch. It was easy to disconnect the cable internet cable from my rented device and connect it to my modem.

  This was the internet cable that I had to take from my rented modem/router combo device.

  It looked this after I plugged in the internet cable to my modem:

  The yellow cable you see in the photo above is the Ethernet cable I used for connecting my router and modem together. All I had to do was plug in the power cords to my router and modem, and then I would be good to start.

  But not so quickly.




  After turning on my modem and booting it up for a while, the modem looked different than usual.

  I am used to seeing all lights turn green on my modem so it was a surprise when some of them turned orange.

  After I had recovered from shock, I began to investigate the matter. To find out the meaning of my modem’s lights, I went to my modem’s manual. These two orange lights turned out to be indicating that my internet connection was not working properly. My modem wasn’t communicating with my ISP as it should.

  It was easy to fix. It was easy to register my modem’s MAC address with my Internet Service Provider (which I’ll explain later in this article).

  Here’s how my modem looked after I registered my modem’s IP address with my ISP.


  Two orange-colored lights became green. This was the moment I was able use the internet at my new house. I could not only take my internet modem to another house but I was also able to use my router in my new house. Overall, I’m happy with my experiment and thankful that I didn’t have to spend money on new equipment.



Moving a modem into a new home: What are your considerations?



  If you are moving soon and want to bring your modem along, here’s a key point to remember.

   I can use my modem at home, but that doesn’t mean you will be able.


  You can check these things before you move in order to make sure you have internet access at your new place.



An internet plan must be in place for your new home



  Although it may seem obvious, this one is often overlooked.

  If you do not have an internet plan, your modem won’t work in your new house.

  I recommend that you transfer your current ISP to your new address if you are able to. This is the simplest way to ensure you have internet access at your new location. Your existing plan will be transferred to your new address by the ISP.

  As I said, this was impossible because my roommate managed my internet service at my old house and wasn’t moving along with me. I was unable to get internet service at my new house so I called the ISP.

  Although this is an easy process, you should make sure that you have it done before you set up your internet. You should plan ahead so that you don’t have to do it after you move into your new home.



  Your modem should be compatible with your internet plan’s internet type


  You may need a different type depending on the internet service you have at your new house.

  Cable internet is most common type of Internet. It is delivered via a coaxial cable. You don’t have to worry if your situation is similar to mine. I was able to move from a house that had cable internet to another one with cable internet.

  Because  the internet type delivered to my house didn’t change, it was clear  that there was a chance I could use my modem at the new location.

  My modem was designed for cable internet and has a coaxial cable link.

  You can see that the internet port labeled “Cable”, indicates it is intended for cable internet. You will need a new modem if you plan to change the internet type at your new residence. You may still be able to use your current modem if you have the same internet type.

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